SSH in the new European Framework Programme

The SSH Council of the Netherlands has written a position paper, outlining several priorities and
recommendations for the new European FP in order to increase the impact of EU investment in Research and Innovation (R&I). This position paper serves as a foundation for the positioning of the SSH in new European FP.

Furthermore, the SSH Council has been invited to provide input on four questions raised by the High
Level Group, who is conducting the evaluation of the current FP. Naturally, we are much obliged for the opportunity to answer these questions regarding the challenges for the current and future FP.

The SSH Council remains willing and invested to offer constructive input aimed at improving the EU FP,
so as to create better opportunities for groundbreaking research that will contribute to solving today’s most wicked problems. The documents attached here give an indication of our efforts to this regard so far.

The SSH Council of the Netherlands represents the Dutch domain of Social Sciences and Humanities. Our goal is to strengthen their position and impact in the Netherlands. We do so by promoting cooperation between the four domains: economics, humanities, law and social sciences. We also represent the SSH field externally.